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Friday, September 21, 2012

What is The 1,000 Dreams Project?

There is no greater joy in this world than to wake up each day with purpose and passion in one's heart. Waking like that is effortless; and depression is stopped dead in its tracks every time. 
~ Rosie Bernardo, Creator of The 1,000 Dreams Project

Welcome to my project!

The 1,000 Dreams Project, at its deepest level, is a call to Action.

It is a call to everyone that has held something dormant in their hearts and is ready to let the world know that they do have a big idea or a big dream whose time has come.

This project is not for the faint at heart, nor the ever-dreaming dreamer who is unwilling to put even one action step on paper.

This project is for those who are ready to do whatever it takes to achieve something that will shift their life in a brand new direction, leaping out of their comfort zone into the unknown and into complete uncertainty.

If you have always felt there is one thing you'd like to achieve before you die, and you haven't been able to do it on your own, this project is designed for you.

The 1,000 Dreams Project is going to support 1,000 people from all over the world to achieve a dream in one year's time.  All dreamers will be starting at the same time and will have the same deadline: 365 days from the start.

In our first phase of design, each Dreamer will receive:

  • Incredible amounts of support. Both from the team at 1,000DP and  their follow Dreamers, each Dreamer will be placed on a team of about 10 other Dreamers and will have 24 hr access to the website and to other Dreamers as they venture into their journey. Each Dreamer will also receive life coaching and Release the Dream Sessions as part of the program. They will be able to track their progress and do weekly check-ins with fellow Dreamers and our staff.
  • An unshakable deadline. (or LIFE-line as I put it. When you achieve something that feeds your soul it should bring you new Life, not death!) You will have 365 days to complete your quest.
  • A clear plan of action that can be tailored to any specific dream. There will be video training to watch and written assignments that you can complete on your own time to move you through each step of the goal process. A downloadable workbook will also be provided.
  • Tools and sessions to help you break through the emotional issues that have kept you from achieving this dream in the past. We know that it is usually not an amount of intelligence or even perseverance that stops us from making progress, but usually a subconscious emotional roadblock that we might not even be able to articulate. We will help you get Unstuck!
  • A pre-game preparation and training program, with an optional live Quest. Yes, we believe that like any other big event, there has to be training and preparation. We will start you off 1-3 months in advance with specific training and preparation including an option of participating in a live Quest to clear the way for the year to be the most productive, exciting, and focused as possible.
  • Acceptance of you-- just as you are! We are not here to change you, but to bring out in you the resources that have lay dormant that are the key to making a breakthrough in order to achieve this dream. We each have unique talents and passions that just need to be recognized and harnessed so we can lead with those strengths and make significant progress quickly and easily.
  • An opportunity to achieve the dream that you've always wanted to complete.
  • And more....
The 1,000 Dreams Project is currently in Phase 1.

If you are interested in applying when we are ready to launch, please join our email list as well as send me an email to 1000DreamsProject@gmail.com stating the dream you would like to pursue.

If you have any interest in being part of our team, please email Rosie Bernardo at rosie.bernardo@gmail.com.
If you would simply like to be in the loop of the latest going on in the project, please join our email list, LIKE us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!  Spread the word that we are looking for Dreamers who are ready to take action!

There are also 5 other ways you can assist in this project by living in the spirit of the project. You can:
  1. Make a commitment to spend at least one hour this month with someone close to you, maybe your spouse or your children, and ask them about their dreams from a loving place. Find out what they are excited about and see if there's anything you can do to support them in that dream. See how your relationship changes! Post on our Facebook page what happens and receive a free E-book.
  2. Decide that dreams are worth going after and you are from this day forward a Dream Releaser, not a Dream Crusher. Whenever you hear someone talking about a dream, ask them to tell you more. Encourage them to take a first step towards that dream. Tell them that if they have the desire, they have the capacity to make it happen. Tell them if they ever decide to pursue it, you will be their first cheerleader. Even one word of encouragement could change their life.
  3. Find a young person in your life who is struggling and reach out to them. Ask them specifically, "What is your dream? If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?" Then commit to helping that young person figure out a plan and find resources to start implementing the plan. It has been shown that the key to helping young people who are depressed or suicidal is to find out what their dream is and put action steps into place. It truly makes a difference because it gives them HOPE, many times for the first time.
  4. Believe in yourself again and your dreams. Reconnect with the part of you that is optimistic and joyful. Remember what it was like when you first had big dreams, and explore them again. This is such a simple shift to make. Let go of the judgment of why you haven't done something yet. Just commit to being your own best ally the next time you attempt a project or dream and realize that you just didn't have the resources at that time to make it happen, and you WILL this time around. Bonus: Watch this TED talk by Larry Smith and the shift will happen easier than you think. http://bit.ly/zVm1nQ
  5. Make a list of 100 Dreams that you would love to achieve over your lifetime. Don't analyze it. Just write. Imagine you have a million dollars and there is no way you can fail. (I know you have heard this before, but have you ever done it? If not, do it!!! It will change your life.)
One last thing, if you're feeling down and you need some hope, please reach out to us at LifeIsToughRightNow@gmail.com and we will see what we can do. Sometimes just a 30 minute chat can help. Hold on. Things WILL get better.

In love,
Rosie B

1 comment:

  1. What a worthwhile project Rosie! I salute you and all who choose to participate. I did a 365 day dance video project and while it wasn't the same premise as what you are proposing here (and boy would I have loved the support structure that you are offering!) it did cause me to grow in ways I never would have guessed and I am still learning from it even though the official project ended in Dec. 2010. Good job, I will be watching!!!
